Apr 29, 2011

The Sound of Madness

From sunshine and shorts to cyclone warnings and high winds. Personally, it doesn't fuss me. I miss the summer in winter and the winter in the summer, so four seasons in one day isn't so bad for a girl who cant make up her mind. BUT, when you're angry at the rain, you can jump in puddles, in the snow, you can kick snow hills, in the sun, you can magnify the crap out of ants.... but the wind, thats the weather getting back at the world. other than madly karate chopping at thin air and being knocked around back, theres nothing you can do. unfortunately, in these high wind times, a discovery about buff state has been made... BSC is officially a GIANT NOSE WHISTLE!!! if i have to wake up in the morning one more time to the howling of an angry wind, someone is going to get hurt. so here is a message to the college... SHUT UP!!!

...thats all :)
<3 xxx

Apr 26, 2011

Learning to Fall

I've learnt a lot while attempting to fend for myself on the other side of the world... a few i would like to share with you all so that you don't have to go through the same experiences to learn the end result.

... but first, I would just like to pause for a few moments to remember the many who have been lost on this trip. Faithful and close friends that will never be forgotten and so obviously never truly replaced. The comrades that joined me on my journey of discovery, that held my hand when i felt down, and the ones that celebrated so many good times with me. I would like to apologise for being responsible for their destruction. It was not their time. They still had so much more to live for....
To my poor clothes, I am so so sorry for shrinking you all beyond repair :( the first time you went into the dryer and came out a little smaller, I honestly thought that was all you would shrink. How wrong i was. I have learnt my lesson and am now almost completely clothesless.... sad face :(

Second lesson - I am learning some things the hard way, but am slowly getting there. For instance, i decided that some cooking would do me good. While its still a little colder here, i thought to myself 'why not make some soup!' so i got a recipe, went out to buy the ingredients, and this is the end result!

... Success!! Who said i was useless in the kitchen!!

Lesson three - I have made so many close friends here... people who i would consider family... if they weren't making families of their own... yep, pregnant college kids :s its a little bit sad, but we learn from their mistakes... so boys, don't be a fool, wrap your tool! and ladies, don't be a dill, take your pill! ... or just don't have sex, because you WILL get pregnant and you WILL die! 

So there are some life lessons for you to dwell on. 

toot for now, kids  xx

Apr 20, 2011

waste days in foreign places

Another day another dollar ~ Regrettably sticking with Philadelphia as my American sporting team of choice has lost me yet another dollar to mr. Birtles at the Buffalo Sabres Vs Philadelphia Flyers ice hokey game.  Phillies just keep breaking my little heart (the first time being the Superbowl when I was forced to part with my first dollar). The game, however, was amazing. It was pushed into over time to see the Sabres win their way into the playoffs. Although I had to let go of a whole dollar, it was great to see the home team win and the atmosphere buzz... Americans take these things a little too seriously... they don't even introduce the opposition into the rink... I would have hated to see their already unstable moods worsen with a loss.

While there wasn't a massive turkey leg to make the American sporting experience just a little more awesome, there was a miniature blimp!! This was of course the non-sporting highlight to my sporting experience.

Having been in Buffalo for 3 months now (we just had our anniversary), I have somehow managed to avoid seeing the actual CDB/city/downtown area. This makes sending Buffalo postcards rather awkward... Yes, I'm sending postcards of stuff I've never seen... its on the to do list... HOWEVER, we did drive passed it on the way to the Sabres match :) ...baby steps. 

Spring is in the air ~ I was going to write about how Spring was finally here and how warm it has been over the last few weeks, but in true Buffalo style, the weather has had a bit of a mood swing and the next 3 days will be filled with snow.... but here are some photos of the warmer days when the campus came to life ... I'm sure the sun will be back soon.

For my horror movie lovin' gals ~ Welcome to the view from my door… the abandoned psychiatric ward across the road. Yes, you did in fact read correctly… the abandoned, completely deserted, empty, spooky as shit psychiatric ward.
When we first arrived, we were told that Leatherface, (for the uneducated people, the guy from chainsaw massacre) was here for a short time. Being America, I suppose this is completely possible, but my googling skills are yet to provide any evidence of this… I am however choosing to believe it anyway, because lets admit, that would be freaking awesome.
It has apparently been closed since the early 1970’s (no I didn’t just google that… geez) and is almost impossible to get into as it is not only boarded up, but has alarms throughout it… im still tempted to give it a go though!

 ...and yes, i went out on multiple days in different weather so you could appreciate its true awesomeness.

Anywho, thats all from me for now.
Later Skater

Apr 4, 2011

Summer Hair = Forever Young

Daytona Beach, Florida... Meet the crew... 3 english, 1 dutch, 1 aussie, 2 americans, a tiki bar and a whole lot of Spring Breaking.... what could possibly go wrong? 

The first night resulted in an unfortunate amount of puke and a complete day of sleeping off a terrible hangover. There is really only one picture that can sum up this night... Thankfully, I wasn't the only one who went too hard. 

If there's anything one should learn about an eleven day bender... its that Denies is the perfect meal before, during and after any drinking session.  

But like anything, moderation is the key - and when you can feel what should be a young and strong 21 year olds heart beginning to fill with mounds of blubber as the Denies fat finds its way into your arteries... its time to be responsible and look into finding another source of food.

Which of course ended with a trolley in the eighth floor apartment of a beach front hotel... However, you can always redeem yourself from trolley stealing by inconspicuously returning it... or pushing it out of the elevator onto the seventh floor (no one will ever know). 

While on my Daytona adventures, I have been completely and utterly inspired to change my career path. Thanks to the lovely ladies of 'girls gone wild', i will in fact be dropping out of uni and becoming a pole dancer :).... Thanks Mum and Dad for the upper class private all girls college education... but there comes a time in a girls life when a dream just cant be pushed aside. I now strongly believe that climbing up a 15 foot pole with 10 inch heels and being able to gracefully lift my legs above my head is in fact a life skill which must be mastered by yours truly! 

In the meantime, I guess good times with good friends will just have to do :)
Road trip to Tampa

Baseball game: Tampa vs Toronto

Consuming an entire turkey leg

Our responsible designated boat driver about to do a beer bong

Good work boys! Drag us to our bbqing destination! 

Hotel Tiki Bar

Victor singing 'American Idiot' in a karaoke bar 

 pre/post shots

Getting amped up for Volleyball  

 Ocean Deck beach party

The most amazing time was had with a great bunch of people. There were times I will never forget, times a wish i could remember, and times that i wish everyone else would forget. 

For your information, tasks 1,2,4,7 and 21 were completed by yours truly ;) ...you'll never know!!!

miss you xxx