Mar 14, 2011


To help keep in contact with you all, i'm starting a blog... which means i have some catching up to do on the last 2 months in Buffalo... sooooo

flashback flashback flashback!!!

It starts with an empty bedroom and lonely nights in little ol' North Wing where jet lag hell took over!

but i had my trusty spanish and dutch exchange companions to keep me company throughout the day.

And then i gained a lovely Zoe to hold me at night when the wind got scary! We talk about Australian related things and laugh at silly Americans...

Then we were adopted by two englishmen and an american (who we no longer consider an american). The old ones are on the USA side... the newbees are on the Canadian side of Rainbow Bridge Border.
(Julia, Alex, Ross, Raquel, Victor and myself)

Together we made ourselves very familiar with Shenannigans every Tuesday.

This is when the 36 Shot Challenge developed.
Kayla's Kryptonite = Shots
Roscoe's Kryptonite = Needles.
If all 35 shots and a tequila shot are successfully consumed (without coming back up) Mr Roscoe has to get a tattoo... getting over our weaknesses together takes teamwork! There's no 'I' in team, people!

When Valentines Day came around, the charming Victor made us all pink pancakes ^_^ (without setting the fire alarm off this time!)

And then there was a trip to NYC where i met old faces in a new town and we were lost in city lights.

There have been cowboy and indian parties 

Toga Parties

And Punk concerts in Toronto

So far, it has been an amazing trip. I will keep you all a little more updated and try and post when anything interesting happens. Love and miss you all!

Kay xxx

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