May 19, 2011

I'm shipping up to Boston

~First Stop, Boston~
A 12 hour train later and we are in Boston. The ride over went surprisingly fast with some amazing views along the way to provide entertainment. Unfortunately, the first 5 hours of our ride was accompanied by a poor mother with her 6 screaming children. Thankfully there was a dining carriage we were able to escape to. 

-Day 1
Our first day was filled with walking and site seeing. Boston is the most amazing city. Simply beautiful. The most amazing green parks surrounded by old-style apartment buildings which look as if they were plucked right out of a movie. While the weather is still a little cold and gloomy, the rain has held off and the fog and mist has provided the most spectacular backdrop. 


~Where Everybody Knows Your Name~
Today we also visited the original 'Cheers' pub. This is the home to a famous TV series that i have never heard of... Raquel was excited so I'm sure it might mean something awesome to someone. I will have to educate myself about it when i get home. 

-Day 2
Today, Zoe came down from her family friends house to say goodbye as she is jet setting home tomorrow. 
~My Little Runaway~
Another day, another goodbye :( I literally spent everyday with this girl for the last 4 months. I feel privileged to have met Zoe and couldn't have had a better roomy. During this trip, she became not only a friend, but a sister. I will definitely be taking this one home to meet you all :)

Raquel and I took a trip to the Loews cinema and saw Bridesmaids. haha I thought it was hilarious :) btw, don't order a large drink in America. It was at least a litre! Why on earth you would make a drink that big in a cinema is beyond me! It will only end with mid-movie toilet trips!

-Day 3
~Enter to Grow in Wisdom~
There is only one word for a place like Harvard University. Wow. Such a beautiful campus filled with so much history... I know this because we strategically stood next to a tour group while taking photos :s You can't go into any of the buildings because they are for students only, and with the amount of tourists there, you can imagine why. 

Other tourists were touching his foot... we aren't sure why but we thought we should do the same. 

~Every Step Tells a Story~
We also took a self guided tour around the Boston Freedom Trail. I learnt on this tour that Benjamin Franklin was a Bostonian, the first public school was in Boston, and that i am a freaking awesome tour guide. We didn't complete the tour as it went through Quincy Markets and we got a little side-tracked with more awesome things. Who needs history when you have a two story, 5 store wide Urban Outfitters!!!  ^_^ 

<3 This is a song for Victor :)

...good memories 
This morning we are off to NYC where we will be meeting up with my other beloved exchange students and a few Americans :) can't wait!

Adios Amigos xx


  1. love you kido have fun

  2. this is AWESOME! or as a rugger would say EPIC !

  3. P.S.-thanks for representing buffalo

  4. haha harvard is great, but its got nothing on buffalo ;)
