Apr 26, 2011

Learning to Fall

I've learnt a lot while attempting to fend for myself on the other side of the world... a few i would like to share with you all so that you don't have to go through the same experiences to learn the end result.

... but first, I would just like to pause for a few moments to remember the many who have been lost on this trip. Faithful and close friends that will never be forgotten and so obviously never truly replaced. The comrades that joined me on my journey of discovery, that held my hand when i felt down, and the ones that celebrated so many good times with me. I would like to apologise for being responsible for their destruction. It was not their time. They still had so much more to live for....
To my poor clothes, I am so so sorry for shrinking you all beyond repair :( the first time you went into the dryer and came out a little smaller, I honestly thought that was all you would shrink. How wrong i was. I have learnt my lesson and am now almost completely clothesless.... sad face :(

Second lesson - I am learning some things the hard way, but am slowly getting there. For instance, i decided that some cooking would do me good. While its still a little colder here, i thought to myself 'why not make some soup!' so i got a recipe, went out to buy the ingredients, and this is the end result!

... Success!! Who said i was useless in the kitchen!!

Lesson three - I have made so many close friends here... people who i would consider family... if they weren't making families of their own... yep, pregnant college kids :s its a little bit sad, but we learn from their mistakes... so boys, don't be a fool, wrap your tool! and ladies, don't be a dill, take your pill! ... or just don't have sex, because you WILL get pregnant and you WILL die! 

So there are some life lessons for you to dwell on. 

toot for now, kids  xx

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