~ Emergency services and a heap of green ~
It started as a great St Paddy's day... Two exams were smashed with zero casualties and I came home to find Victor cooking green pancakes for dinner! bliss! ... Admittedly, piles of pancakes with ice-cream, chocolate sauce, syrup and baileys were happily consumed by yours truly and after devouring more than one should ever be proud of, the transformation into overly embarrassing green leprechaun lookalikes took place. A little too much fun was had with face paint and glitter which I'm still encountering throughout the suit!
We made our way down to the 'button and derosa' (rugby house number 2) household for pre-drinks... Apparently a little too much fun was had because on our way out the door to head down town for irish festivities, we found one of the girls passed out on the pavement.
There was a little debate about what to do with the non-responsive drunken pavement slurry and an executive decision was made that perhaps the ambulance should be called to drag her limp ass to the hospital. In true American style, they took their sweet ass time ... and as we not so patiently waited, down the road, a crazy lady fell over, hit her head and blacked out... luckily, we weren't the first to the scene as the crazy lady started randomly ranting and dragging some poor girl in the direction of what was supposed to be her house (with an address she couldn't remember). Meanwhile, as we were knocking back the 100 cabs that we drunkenly ordered because they said there would be an hour wait for them, the ambulance rocks up and the drunken passed out pavement girl decides that she is now sober and conscious and doesn't need an ambo... so we pointed them in the direction of the crazy 'i don't know where i live' lady.... at this point its about 1.30/2am and we decide that its probably the end of the night.
I thought this was all hysterical!... the vomit drenched victims did not agree so much!
~ A second try at an awesome night ~
The night after, we decided that we would recover from what ended as a chaotic and drama ridden Thursday failure.
Above Luke's house (rugby house number 1), there is a fraternity who were having a party. We made our way to luke's to start pre-drinking before heading upstairs. The place was packed. It was about 11ish (who the hell really knows) and things were starting to look promising. There was beer pong, kegs, music... what more could you need... but of course, in our drama ridden weekend, it wasn't going to stay like that.
Before we knew it, someone was running through the house yelling 'there's a fire next door, the cops are everywhere and we need to leave now!'... so i went to collect my belongings (the exchange kids) so we could get the hell out of there before we died... until good old Ross comes up to me calmly and explains that this is the method they use to get people out of the house when the kegs are starting to get low... fair enough... I was happy with that explanation. After about 5 minutes, curiosity got the better of me and I wondered outside to see if there were any drunken kicked out beerless and angry college kids... i step outside and what do i see... about 4 fire trucks, 8 cop cars and mayhem everywhere!!! ... sure enough, the house next door had in fact caught fire. The cops started piling into the frat house and kicking people out like a typical American movie! ... Although a failure of a party, it was yet another hysterically funny moment for myself.... probably not so funny for the neighbours :s
It wasn't a complete failure of a night, however. Some of us moved on to rugby house number 2 and continued the night with a game of kings which turned into a drunken Disney sing along for the more awesome of us.
Admittedly, some of us got into a little more than others :-/
~ A night that I'm just going to pretend never happened ~
Saturday night.... guys rugby rookie night... thankfully, the first half was guys only... i was too scared to go for my camera so i have no photos... all i can say is... i saw a guy get branded... poor rookies :s
~ One more day ~
Counting down till spring break in Daytona, Florida on Tuesday :) Couldn't be more excited! I've started my fake tanning and bought bathers so i can spend 10 solid days sleeping on the beach.
xxx <3 Miss you all to pieces!
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